Set up a Development Environment

Please have the followings ready before you start:

  • Any Python installation with pip available.
  • Conda from either Miniconda or Anaconda.

Please arrive early to the tutorial if you are not sure whether you have all things set up. The lecturer will help get things ready.

Install development tools

Run the following command to install/update the needed development tools.


conda install conda-build

On Windows:

py -3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine

On Mac or Linux:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine


For brevity, we will use py -3 from here on. Please substitute it to python3 yourself as needed, if you used python3 for the above command.

Register an account on Test PyPI

Register an account at

Follow the steps to complete registration. You will also need to verify your email address to be able to upload packages.

Put code in a directory

This tutorial uses a simple project named sampleproject. The complete source is available at We will be creating the project from scratch, but you can use the repository as a reference if anything is not working.

If you already have a project that you want to package up, and feel confident to do so, simply replace the sample directory with the one you want to use, and replace the metadata as appropriate.

We start with the following file structure:


All of the commands in this tutorial will need to be run within the top-level directory just created. Be sure to cd sampleproject into the project directory to run following commands successfully.


Put some code in so it is easy to test. For example:

def greet():

And test it like this:

$ py -3 -c "import sample; sample.greet()"